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My Scribbling
Monday, 8 December 2003
Nothing Much
Let's see, what can I catch ya'll up on? I haven't written for a few days, have I? Well, for starters, I'm sick. *sniffle* I know! It's terrible! I think I caught it when I was working at Susan Denlingers (the lady who owns the greenhouse)because she was feeling bad that day. And, ya know how I was supposed to work wednesday and thursday too? Well she called and cancelled 'cause she was sick. So anyway, I'm not feeling my best right now, but that's okay. I just hope I'm better by next sunday for the play. We had practice last night, and I didn't do to hot. Have you ever tried playing a flute with a head full of snot, a dry throat, and a cough? Well, if you haven't, then I don't think you can sympathise! It's not a fun thing! But it is very interesting, I'll give it that.
I did work at Susan's on saturday though. From 9-4, talk about a long day. I worked with her and Camela. (I dunno if I've told you about her or not, but she is Rebecca's cousin, goes to the same church we do, at works at Susan's *duh* She's really nice, and a lot of fun. I've known her for about the same amount of time that I've known Becca, but I've only started to really get to know her in that past few weeks.)We cleaned the entire day, and I mean CLEANED!!! We had to do the boy's bedroom, girl's bedroom,the hallway, and the bathroom. We started by picking up all the stuff from the floor, which was a major job in and of itself! There was stuff everywhere! Then we moved all the furniture around, cleaned behind it, wiped them down, washed the walls, vaccumed, sorted thru stuff, throwing things away, finding places for it. It was a huge job, and if I had been by myself, I would not have been having fun, but Susan is a lot of fun to work for and with, and Camela and I were cutting up too. So it made the work easier and go quicker. I'm going back week after next, and we are going to clean the rest of the house, and I think put up new wallpaper in the hallway.
Let's see, I went to bookclub last friday. That was sooo much fun! It was the last one of the year, and we had just finished Christmad Carol too, so we watched The Muppet Christmas Carol (my favorite version btw!) and gave each other our Christmas gifts! It was a lot of fun. Beth made some awesome stuff out of clay for me! I'm telling ya, she is good with that stuff! She made Arwen's pendant, Aragorn's pipe (tee hee! I reeeaally liked that one!) and a picture frame with Josh Groban in it! We pigged out too, as always, on my pumpkin roll (Oh yeah, I made one for the first time! And it was a big hit too. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.) cheese nips, apples, all that good stuff.
Also, the Christmas banquet at church was this friday. It wasn't what I wanted to go to that evening, but I still had fun. I made a pumpkin roll for that too. :D I'm going pumpkin roll crazy!!!

Posted by paprika330 at 2:48 PM EST
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Loooooong day
I am so pooped! I've been up since 7:00 this morning, and working since 8:30-5:00.
I went over to a friends house last night, well actually it was Rebecca (Mast). Me, her, and her younger sister (susannah) are all going to play a O Holy Night for the Christmas play going on at our church (well, it's not really ours, we've just been visiting there). And anyway, they had been having a lot of trouble with counting and stuff, and I hadn't even had a chance to play with them ,so we really needed to practice, because the play is about two weeks away! Becca's playing the piano, Susannah is playing the violin (which I was gonna play too, but decided not to) amd I'm playing the flute. And to add to the hardness (that's not really a word, is it?) of it, Quenton (told ya about him to) is supposed to be singing with us!
So anyway, to make a long story short, we needed to practice, had been wanting to have a sleepover (I've known her for over 3 years, and we've never done that!) and we both had to work at the greenhouse today. So it all worked out just dandy! I had a really good time at their house, especially after everyone had went to bed. She and I stayed up talking until 2:00 a.m!!! Which was fun at the time, but it was awful having to get up this morning!
Working at the greenhouse was fun though. The lady, her name is Susan btw, who owns/runs it is German Baprist, and really nice. The work is fun too, this was only the second time I've worked there, but I'm already learning a lot about flowers, and taking care of them, running a greenhouse, that sorta stuff. It's really cool. I had no idee that so much went into it! I worked with Susan, Becca, and another girl who happens to Becca's cousin, and also goes to the same church we've been going to. Her name is Camela. :D Those two only stayed until 12:30ish. After that it was just me and Susan. We kept working in the greenhouse until about 3:00. then we went inside, and I graded papers (she homeschools two of her kids) for TWO HOURS! My brain was a veritable (don't ya luv that word?!) Jello Jiggler by the time my dad picked me up. But it beats working someplace like Burger King.
I'm going back to work there all day tomarrow and Thursday, and both of those days we are going to be cleaning. *groans*
Maybe I should explain...Susan is in a wheelchair. She isn't exactly paralysed, but her legs are kinda small and don't work like normal legs. I think she's had some kind of disease, but I'm not exactly sure what. But anyway, with that, trying to run the greenhouse, take care of 4 very energetic kids (not to mention homeschool them) she needs extra help around the house sometimes, in addition to running the greenhouse. So anyway...
I don't mind thought, seriously. Even though the work can be hard sometimes, I'm glad to get to do it. Right now it's supposed to be her off season, and she only calls people to help on an as-need basis. And she pays pretty well too. Like today, I think I prolly made around 45 dollars. I dunno for sure, cause she isn't going to pay me until thursday, i think. But when I worked before, I was only there for four hours, and she payed me 21.00. So, that's not to bad!
But i was so tired when I got home, I took a long veerry hot bath. And *tee hee* I started Christmas Carol!! It's about time, seeing I have to have it read by Friday...

Posted by paprika330 at 9:08 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:03 AM EST
Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Dum de Dum....
Mom and I spent the day again today cleaning, but we finaaally got it all done! Even my room is clean. YaY!
This afternoon we picked Josh up from Cedarville, I hadn't seen him in about two weeks. I'm glad he's home, I miss him not being here all the time. I mean, we are still close and everything, but it's not the same. It's hard to "bond" (for lack of a better word) when he's only home for the weekend. Because I've got things going on, or he has things that he wants or needs to do while he's home, or we want to spend time doing stuff together, but usually it's just hanging out having fun watching a movie or something like that. There really isn't any time to talk like we used to. We can't do it over the phone, I guess we're too close for that (I know, that sounds weird! But when you're as close as we are, talking on the phone just doesn't work to well) And there isn't a chance to really talk, 'cause you can't force these things to happen. But anyway, he's home until Tuesday morning when we have to take him back. then after two more weeks at school, he'll be home for almost a month! So that's cool.
Anyway, what else did I do today? Oh, I called Jasper. Well, actually she called me first and left a message, then I called her back, but let's not get technical about it! She wanted to know if I had gone to the game last night, which I ended up not going to.
Anyhoo, we talked for about an hour! It was fun. It's weird though, we always get on the bizzarest conversation topics! And we never have any clue how we got there! It's really quite funny. But I won't go into all that, don't want you to think I'm anymore crazy than I'm sure you already do!

Posted by paprika330 at 5:18 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:13 AM EST
Monday, 24 November 2003
Let it Snow!!!!
Yay!!! We had the first snow of the year today! Okay, maybe I'm being a little too over eager, after-all, it was just flurries. *grins* But hey, they were steady flurries! I love it when it snows, and now is just the perfect time for it to start. I like it to get cold around Thanksgiving, and start snowing soon after. I'll admit, i was starting to get a little worried when we kept having nothing but warm weather for the past weeks! It's hard to get in the holiday mood when it is close to 70 degrees outside! Christmas is supposed to cold and snowy, it makes having to stay inside all the more fun. And i dunno, there's somehting romantic about it. *sighs* Ya know, I'm beginning to find that deep down, I'm a hopeless Romantic at heart. Most peeps prolly wouldn't think so, but it's true! I can't help it.
But anyway...that's not what I got on to talk about. :P I've been spending the whole day helping my mum clean the house. *groans* Not fun at all! But oh well. I think (or hope anyway!) that we are almost done for the day. But we still have a bunch more to do tomarrow. Hopefully though, I'll be able to go to the Saints basketball game in the evening though! (Btw, in case you're wondering, the Saints are a homeschool team that my bro played on last year, and I know pretty much all the guys on the team. So anyway, that's why I talk about them fairly often. So, yeah...)
LoL! I just noticed that this entry and the one before it show up as on the same day! I didn't even realize that I wrote my last entry so late last night that i counted as one for today! Kinda funny, at least I thought so. But just so you know, that was Sunday (sorta) and this is today (monday) :D

Posted by paprika330 at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 3:50 PM EST
Blah blah blah....
Let's see, what did I do today? Well, we went to church...the same one we have been visiting for about a month now. (we are develpoing quite an on going record here!) Actually, we visited there once before, a couple of years ago, but at the time didn't go very long, only a couple of Sundays. However, we did "hook" up with a family who goes there (called the Masts)and have stayed in touch, and done things with them ever since. Well, three or four sundays ago dad suggested that we go back there again to visit. But before that, let me say that for quite awhile now the Masts have been telling us about one Whitaker family that has apparently been attending there church since early this summer. Most of the talking comes from Rebecca (their oldest daughter, who also happens to my age) who apparently thinks quite highly of them. She had told me a lot about them, including that they have a son who is 18, named Quentin.
Now when I first heard this I thought "hmm, I used to know a Quentin in 5th grade", (for those of you who don't know, I went to a private school for a little while when I was in 5th grade) but then I completely forgot about it. Anyway, to make a long story short, when we visited there about a month ago, I saw Quentin, recognised him as the same Quentin, completely shocked him, myself, and subsequently everyone else who happened to be standing there when we were introduced by blurting out "I KNOW you!". And in the time that we have been visiting the church (Covenant Baptist is the name, just f.y.i) we have had the Whitakers over to our house, and have gotten to know them a little.
Like I said before, they have 5 boys and also 1 daughter. But anyway, the oldest boy is married, and is going to Cedarville (haven't met him) the next oldest is Brent (21)and is going to Word of Life in NY (haven't met him yet either) then there is Scott (19) who is also going to Cedarville, but living at home, and is preparing to be a minister. Then of course there is Quentin (18), and finally Doug (14). Doug is hilarious, a lot of fun to be around. Quentin, when I knew him in 5th grade was really shy and quiet. He is still quiet, but not really shy anymore. Scott is really nice, and I respect him. You don't have to hang around him very long to find out that he not only loves God very much, but is very passionate about Him. It's so cool to be around a guy, who's pretty close to my own age, that's like that. He's so caught up in the things of God.
So anyway, back to church. The others that go there are nice, the pastor really seems to have a heart for God. His preaching style is different than my dad's, which is hard to get used to. But I guess you can't have everything, and if it was up to me, I would keep going there. And who knows, we may!
Well, this afternoon I went with the Masts, Whitakers, and another familiy to a nursing home to help with a worship service for some of the residents. It was a lot of fun! Normally, I get weird at places like that. I'm not scared of old people or anything, but i dunno, i just never know what to say! It was different this time though. they seemed really glad to see us, and to have an oppertunity to "go" to church.
After that, we all went back to the church, because the youth and younger kids are putting on a Christmas play, and they had practice this evening before church. And guess what? I'm going to be in the play too! Imagine that! (some of you might know that my first encounter this summer with theatrics was rather interesting! For those of you who don't know, you can ask about it when you leave a comment! (*hint hint*) I, along with Rebecca, and one other girl, are going to be narraters. Which in one aspect is cool, because we don't actually have to memorize any lines! *sigh of relief* But on the down side, we don't get to wear costumes either, which would have been fun. Anyhoo, I'm also gonna do a duet on the piano w/ Rebecca, and play the violin with Susannah (the next to oldest Mast daughter, who happens to take violin lessons from the same lady i do!)along with Rebecca on the piano, and Quentin singing. It should be interesting. :-D
Anyhoo, we were all at the church for about an hour before everyone showed up for play practice. It was fun hanging out with them.
Well, now that I've practically given you a State of the Union Adress, and prolly numbed you all into bordom, or insanity by my babbling, I need to get off now! So toodles!

Posted by paprika330 at 12:25 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 1:47 PM EST
Friday, 21 November 2003
Here's the blogs I had posted on my other temporary blog...

Hey Ya'll! (sorry Lisa, I couldn't think of another word)
I'm soooo excited 'cause I just figured out how to use this blog thingie! I'm such a genius! (coughs) Okay, it was rather a stroke of luck. I just happened to see a link to this blog and was like 'where the heck did THAT come from?!' So I clicked on it, and here I am! I didn't even know this was an option. Actually, I had already attempted to start my own blog, rather unsuccessfully too, but we won't go into that right now.
Um, I dunno how often I'll actually be writing on here. I'd like to think that I will blees everyone with my pearls of wisdom every day or so. :-P But I have a feeling that won't be the case. Anyway, keep checking...ya never know! Luv ya all, and talk to ya later!


What a dreay day! I feel like I'm living in London or something, it's so wet, and rainy, and dark out! *shivers* Nasty! Ya know, that's one thing that I don't like about fall and winter, well mostly fall. It seems like it rains all the time, and I don't like how it gets dark out so early. It's rather depressing! And it makes it even more harder to get out of bed in the morning when it's cold and dark out. Like anyone is going to hear their alarm clock go off at the crack of dawn, peer out there window, see frost on the glass, no sunshine, and just pop right out of bed. Uh, not this girl anyway!
I didn't do to much today either. I did have to get up early, so I could go alllll the way to Troy to babysit a bunch of crying kids, with not enough help. (Maybe that weird lady running things will happen upon my blog and read this, huh Jasper? *winks*) Oh well, it's money anyway.
Let's see, what else did I do? Oh yeah! I made another page for my scrapbook! I already fifnished all my camp pics, so now I started working on pages for Lily. I like the one I got done, except for two things. (1) I don't like the way I put Lily's name on, it looks kinda cheesy. (2) A sticker that I didn't want accindently stuck partially to the page, then when i went to take it off, i kinda took part of the page off with it. (That has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world!) I managed to disguise a little bit of it, but not all. So either I'll have to just deal with it, or go back later and try and fix it up better.

Posted by paprika330 at 4:05 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:11 AM EST
Okie doke! Now we're on the ball! I'm sooo happy and excited! I was over at jaspa's house this afternoon, and she showed me what i was doing wrong(a.k.a~ Why I could not write any entries on this blog before!) Soooo, Now it's all good, because I know what I'm doing! (well, not really, but that's OKAY!) Thank-you sooo so much girlfriend! *kisses you on both cheeks MWHA!*
Anyway, enough of that! Let's see, last night I went with the Wagars to see the Saint's first game!!!! They were sooo AWESOME! The guys are doing a lot better this year (not that they were bad last year or anything...) and are gonna go allll the way! The game was wonderfully intense. I was like "I can't watch this!!!" But of course I did, because it was soo fun! We only lost by 7 points, and gave the other team a run for they're money! I really want to go to a lot of their games this year, but I dunno if I can. See last year, I kinda had to go, or at least had an excuse, 'cause Josh was on the team, and I was helping out with
"equipment" and all that good stuff. But this year I don't really have an excuse to beg a ride off people! Oh well, we'll see what happens!
And today...well all i can say is "was that someone's idea of a practical joke?!" (j/k j/k) Seriously though, I thought I was going to be going to Bruckner Nature Center with the Wolfs, Wagars, Scotts, and a bunch of other homeschooling peeps for a nature hike where we got blindfolded, only to find out that (as a bonus or something) we got to, not only learn about owls, but disect owl pellets! *gags* Can we say nasty? Can we say TOO MUCH INFORMATION?! True, it's not as bad as some things you could disect, but still! I'm done with high school, I shouldn't be learning about these more disturbing sides of nature anymore! :-D Oh well, I'll live!
Anyhoo, that's enough for now. But you can expect to be hearing a LOT more from me now that I got this blog thing working! (aren't ya glad? ) So talk to ya later.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:09 PM EST

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