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My Scribbling
Friday, 21 November 2003
Okie doke! Now we're on the ball! I'm sooo happy and excited! I was over at jaspa's house this afternoon, and she showed me what i was doing wrong(a.k.a~ Why I could not write any entries on this blog before!) Soooo, Now it's all good, because I know what I'm doing! (well, not really, but that's OKAY!) Thank-you sooo so much girlfriend! *kisses you on both cheeks MWHA!*
Anyway, enough of that! Let's see, last night I went with the Wagars to see the Saint's first game!!!! They were sooo AWESOME! The guys are doing a lot better this year (not that they were bad last year or anything...) and are gonna go allll the way! The game was wonderfully intense. I was like "I can't watch this!!!" But of course I did, because it was soo fun! We only lost by 7 points, and gave the other team a run for they're money! I really want to go to a lot of their games this year, but I dunno if I can. See last year, I kinda had to go, or at least had an excuse, 'cause Josh was on the team, and I was helping out with
"equipment" and all that good stuff. But this year I don't really have an excuse to beg a ride off people! Oh well, we'll see what happens!
And today...well all i can say is "was that someone's idea of a practical joke?!" (j/k j/k) Seriously though, I thought I was going to be going to Bruckner Nature Center with the Wolfs, Wagars, Scotts, and a bunch of other homeschooling peeps for a nature hike where we got blindfolded, only to find out that (as a bonus or something) we got to, not only learn about owls, but disect owl pellets! *gags* Can we say nasty? Can we say TOO MUCH INFORMATION?! True, it's not as bad as some things you could disect, but still! I'm done with high school, I shouldn't be learning about these more disturbing sides of nature anymore! :-D Oh well, I'll live!
Anyhoo, that's enough for now. But you can expect to be hearing a LOT more from me now that I got this blog thing working! (aren't ya glad? ) So talk to ya later.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:09 PM EST

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