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My Scribbling
Thursday, 12 February 2004
My apologies!
I can't believe I haven't posted on here since Jan.26th!!!! Has it really been that long? I'm awfully sorry...for anyone out there who has even been checking to see if I posted anything new!
In one sense...the last couple of weeks have flown by, but at the same time, that seems like AGES ago! I guess a lot has been happening since then!
Right now I'm waiting around online for an email...which I kinda thought would be here by now! I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to get one today or not. :( But anyway, I thought I might as well do something other than twiddling my thumbs staring at my empty Inbox...and I needed to post on here...so there you are!
I've been working a LOT at the greenhouse lately!!! Things are really starting to pick up with preperations for business! (which btw, they open April 1st!) Oh, and I got paid yesterday too!!!!! Susan had been saving up my days until I got enough to actually write a check for. Since I'm working so sporatically right now, it doesn't make good sense to pay me after each day. But ANYWAY...I finally got a grand total of 7 days worth of work clocked in...and a check for (drum role please!) $307.50!!! I couldn't believe it! I wasn't sure how many hours I had clocked in, but I thought it would only be enough to barely scratch $200! God is so good! At this rate...I can make, well I dunno how much exactly, but it'll be a LOT by the time fall comes back around! Well, I'm sure that's quite enough money talk for now!
I'm getting ready to go to my grandparents for a week or so! Actually, I'm really not that excited about it. In a way I am, but at the same time, I don't really want to be away from home right now. And, I'll be there all by my lonesome! I've never stayed with them by myself before. I'm not scared to or anything, but I just hope it's not awkward or anything like that.
All the snow is melted. :( I was hoping it would stick around a little longer for crying out loud! But I've decided that, now that it's gone, and seeing that is halfway into Febuary and all...I'm quite ready for spring! :D I think I've had my fill of winter for now. But it's over a MONTH until spring is officially here! *sighs* 'Tis a pity. But after spring gets here, then it will only be about a month until my birthday! Hurrah!
Hmmm, what else can I say? That email still isn't here yet... and I really need to get off soon. :( I'm working all day tomarrow, and I have a ton of stuff to get done tonight. Namely cleaning my room! Yikes! I've been working practically everyday this week, and things are definatly starting to look it. Soooo, I guess that just about wraps it up for now. Until next time... 'ta ta!'

Posted by paprika330 at 6:07 PM EST
Monday, 26 January 2004
Hallelujah! It finally snowed! En Masse too! (I think that's how you say it) But anyway, it is sooo pretty out! It started coming down yesterday afternoon, right after we got home from church. They had to cancel evening services, which was disapointing, but it was so awesome out! We have about 1/2 a foot of snow in our backyard! I can't wait to go out and play! Sledding...or something! It's an answer to prayer, right Jasper?? :P
Josh came home for the weekend, so we had to take him back this morning to Cedarville. Mom decided we would hang around and go to chapel and have lunch with Josh, after he got out of his 9:00 class. Sooo, while he was in class, we just hung out...pretty boring. Then, when we were waiting for Josh to show up, guess who we saw? Scott! We hadn't expected to see him, but I was hoping we would. Today is his birthday, and I had brought a card (that I meant to give him yesterday...but forgot!) just in case. So anyhoo, he sat with us in chapel, and then we had lunch together. It was fun, but with josh and mom talking the whole time, there wasn't much of a chance for us to say a whole lot.
I had violin lessons this afternoon! I played really good! Which was suprising, because last week I did really bad, and didn't have much of a chnace to practice THIS week, and the girl who has a lesson after me came early and was sitting there watching me the whole time. Needless to say...it made my pretty nervous!! But I still did good. :D I'm about done with my two main books, and ready to move on to the next ones!

Posted by paprika330 at 4:44 PM EST
Thursday, 22 January 2004
Wow!! It sure is cold out these days! It's no fun at all though, 'cause there STILL isn't any snow!:( But anyway, I think the temp outside is 8 degrees!
Let's see, what have I been up to since I wrote last?? Not much of anything exciting.
I went to Goodwill for the first time in over two months! I was about to have withdraw symptoms! LoL! Okay, not really... But I did find some cute stuff. A couple sweaters, and an awesome skirt! It's red, black, and white plaid, and knee length. It's kinda big, but it was half off, so with that in mind, I decided it was still small enough to fit! :D
I've been babysitting...and that's going good. It's fun, AND I get money for it! Can't argue with that! I do have some interesting experiences with the kids sometimes though. LoL! Like last week, all the kids had been in there for about 20 minutes, everything was going peachy. I was sitting down with one of the boys on my lap reading to him, while all the other boys (except one) were playing. Well, this one boy was sitting by himself at the table. So I was like 'you wanna come sit over here too?' He just stared at me. So I tryed 'How about coloring?' Nothing... So I was like, okay, I guess not! I went back to reading, and the next thing I knew, the other boy had bolted out the door, into the hallway, and was truckin' full speed for the stairs and his mom! Well, the other girl that was helping out in our room ran after him, and he started screaming bloody murder! He wouldn't even let her touch him hardly! It was weird. I guess he had some major issues with coloring or something! LOL! Who knows! But he cried for about 10 minutes straight, until his mom apparently head him (no wonder!) and came down to get him. Wow! Kids can be funny sometimes, that's for sure!
What else? Oh, I got two more quilt blocks done! Only six more to go! Whoopee!! I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! I can't wait to put them all together!

Posted by paprika330 at 10:56 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 22 January 2004 10:58 PM EST
Thursday, 15 January 2004
Let's see....
Wow!! I haven't posted on here in quite awhile!!! Jasper's probably catching up with me! :p But things have been busy. Have you ever been really busy, but later you aren't exactly sure what with? I guess it's just living life.
What all have I been up to? Working, reading, helping with stuff around the house, hmmmm...I worked on my website some more! Other than that, I really dunno.
Oh! I know something exciting that happend recently! Okay, there's this girl that I met at camp this summer. Her name is Kristen (I mentioned her on my website list of favorites btw)and she lives in New Hampshire. Well, at camp I only met her and started talking to her on about the last week I was there. But she was really close with one of my roomates. Anyway, we swaped email addies, and since I've been back we've have talked a lot, and gotten to know each other really well. She is a cool girl, really loves God, and has been a big encouragement to me! She had been doing some pretty serious thinking about going to PCC next fall too. Well, of course I've been hoping that she would end up coming too. But about a month ago, she told me that she had sent off for some info about a Baptist college in Iowa, and had pretty much decided she was going there! So I kinda just gave up on the thought that she would be coming to PCC, and was really dissapointed I really loved the idea of her being there too, but I figured it just wasn't God's will.
Well, I got an email from her last week, and she told me that she had heard back from the other college, and due to some financial issues going on in their life, she didn't think she would be able to go there after-all. BUT she said she had now turned her sights back to PCC, had gone ahead and applied even, and come to the conclusion that that's where God would have her go!!! Then she asked if I would consider being roomates with her if she gets accepted! When I read that I just started laughing! I was like 'WOULD i?!?!?' lol!!! I've only been praying for the last few months that if it would be God's will, she would come there too, and room with me! Isn't God so awesome!!! He's been so good to me with the whole college situation.
I know He wants me to go there, but at the same time I was dreading leaving home, and going so far away, all by myself, and not knowing anyone down there. And of course I'm still going to miss my family and all my friends something crazy! But if Kristen does end up coming, then that will help a lot. Not only with my being homesick, but my parents will prolly feel a lot better if I room with at least one girl that I already know.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:03 PM EST
Wednesday, 7 January 2004
How annoying!
Okay, I typed up this really long blog last night about all this stuff I had been doing yesterday, and everything I got done...but I didn't finishe writing until after midnight, and when I went to post it, it wouldn't work! Mom told me later that the internet is set to go off at midnight. So i everything I had written! :( Tis a pity! I basically just said that I had worked on my scrapbook some more, got three pages done. One of Lily, and two of Carrige Hill. I really liked the way those turned out! And I also made another square for the quilt I'm working on!
Well! Now to catch up on today. :D Susan Denlinger from the greenhouse called me this morning! She wants me to work thursday, friday, and saturday...and possibly monday! I was really excited about getting the oppertnity to work. I didn't think that she was going to call me anymore until like febuary or march, when the greenhouse officially opens. I'm really thankful that God is making a way for me to earn money for college, and car expenses (whenever that time comes).
Anyway, we went to church this evening. They have devotions and prayer meeting on wednesday nights. It was good! It's been great being able to be really go to church again, and start feeling like we have a church home.

Posted by paprika330 at 9:26 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 January 2004 3:04 PM EST
Sunday, 4 January 2004
It's winter again!!!
It's finally starting to feel like winter again outside!!! Getting there anyway. It's been raining really hard for the last couple of days...but the temps are really dropping, and all the rain is supposed to turn to snow! I hope it does!!!! I'm dying to go do snow stuff! :D
So what else is up? Nothing much. We went to church this morning, and are going back this evening. Actually, Scott is going to be preaching! So that's pretty cool! the pastor asked him to. And guess what? Dad is going to be preaching next sunday morning! the pastor is going to be out of town, and asked my dad if he would do that. My dad wasn't sure if he wanted to, 'cause he hasn't preached in over two years, and also he didn't want it to seem like he was another preacher trying to take over sorta thing. But after praying about it, he felt like God would have him to.
What else? Oh...guess what?!?! I dunno if I told you this or not before, but Camela's family has horses!!! Cool huh? Weeeell, even more cool, she wants me to come over and go riding with her sometime! ACK! Oh cool is that? I haven't riden a horse for about 5 or 6 years!!! But I LOVE too!!! It's gonna be so fun!
Anyhoo, that's about all for now. I gotta get off here perty soon. Get ready for church, that sort of thing. Oh yeah, one more thing though. I worked on my website last night! a LOT!!! Added a lot of cool pics and stuff, and rewrote my LOTR page. Most of the stuff I had said on there has changed now that I've seen the movie and finished to book. But anyway, it's pretty cool!

Posted by paprika330 at 3:12 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:12 PM EST
Saturday, 3 January 2004
Good times!
Okay, I haven't been able to write anything about before now, because it was a suprise. But Lisa, Beth, and I had been planning to have a suprise b-day party for Jasper for yesterday evening!!!! Next thursday is her 16th birthday, and we wanted to do something special for her. So, we just told her that we were gonna have a sleepover at the Wagars house. Well...what she DIDN'T know was that we had bought gifts for, decorated the whole basement, and were planning to try our best to scare the living daylights out of her!
So anyway...there lisa, beth, and I were in the basement, all set with camera, clappers, and horns! We were about to die from laughing, we were so excited, and the suspence was awful! FINALLY the Wolfs got there! And Mrs. Olive was like, go on down, the girls are in the basement. We were silent as the grave...waiting. As soon as Jasper got to the bottom of the steps we all jumped out shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Clapping our clappers, honking our horns, and snapping the camera! It was hialrious! I'm not exagerating ya'll but Jasper must have screamed for a minute solid! Without stopping for breath! When she finally stopped she was shaking all over. It was so funny!
(By the way...whenever you read this Jasper, I Luv Ya Girl!!!!!!!)
The rest of the time was a blast too! We watched movies, pigged out, played games, talked. Just were our generally crazy, but terribly fun selves! I didn't end up going to sleep until prolly 3:30. But we didn't wake up until almost 11:00 this morning!! All except for Lisa anyway... she had got up way earlier and had a big breakfast waiting for us! She's so sweet! It was lots a fun!

Posted by paprika330 at 6:51 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 January 2004 3:05 PM EST
Thursday, 1 January 2004
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WoW!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe that it is 2004! It doesn't seem like four years since the big millenium hoop-la. :D So much has happend over the past year...I can only begin to imagine what God has in store for me in 2004. It's so exciting, but scary at the same time. As my kindred spirit Anne Shirley would say, 'I'm deliciously scared!' ;p
So anyway, how about New Year's resolutions???? I usually don't go in for that. I mean, I figure
why bother? I'm prolly gonna break them by spring anyway! But I got to thinking about it today...and I decided that it was high time I did make some resolutions, with myself... and God. Not that New Years is the only time to go about doing this sort of thing, but there's nothing like a clean slate and a fresh start.
I want to live this next year totally and completly for God! I know I'm probably going to mess up big time, but I figure that if I make a vow to God, then He's gonna hold me to it, and help me keep it. I want to spend more time getting to know Him, instead of focusing on myself so much. I know I really need to spend more time reading the Bible and praying. It's so easy to get out of the habit. Sometimes, well a LOT of the time, I just don't "feel" like spending time with God. I tell myself that I can always come back and do that later. But I generally never do. And it's so dumb, because I'M the one who loses out and suffers for it! I waste so much time worrying about ME! And to be honest...it's a pretty unimportant topic! I'm the most happy, and feel the most, complete I guess you could say, when I'm walking with God.
I don't know what all the next 365 days are gonna hold. I know some of the obvious things like I'll be turning 18...going to college. But in those things, and in everything else, I'm going to need a lot of help. And I'm tired of trying to do everything on my own, or make things work out according to MY plans. This may be the last year I have with no other obligations other than pretty much just being a kid! This will prolly be the last "free time" I have in my life, until I'm old and gray. :D After this, I'm gonna be so busy with all that life starts throwing at me, that it's going to be even HARDER to focus on God. I want to spend this year for Him!

Posted by paprika330 at 10:59 PM EST
Monday, 22 December 2003
Last Night
The candle light service went well, I guess. I mean, I played fine, was super nervous though. I'm not sure how good our song in general sounded.
The party was a blast! At first it started out kinda slow and awkward. I mean, it was hard to interact with all the younger kids around. The ages went from 25 down to 11. (that was the people who were actually there for the party. Then there were some younger kids who were just there, tagging along.) But anyway, we played ping-pong, ate, then tryed to start a game of Taboo...but it took a while to get going. There were so many people wanting to play, and it was soooo loud, we couldn't here each other. We did end up starting it, but only got half way around, then we had to stop for the gift exchange! :D
The gift exchange was a LOT of fun! We played White Elephant, or Dirty Santa, whichever you wanna call it. It was hilarious. People kept stealing everyone's gift! I got to keep mine though! It was one of the nicest too. A c.d case filled with chocolates! (which was of COURSE the best part!) Actually, that was what Camela had brought, and she ended up getting what I brought, a jewelry box. (I'm suprised I found it! The price limit was 3 bucks, and the box was exactly that amount, on sale! It was cool.) Then after we were done, the guys went. Most of the stuff was dumb. But some of them had had some cool ideas. Like someone had brought giant tennis balls, and Scott wrapped his entire gift in duct tape, complete with a duct tape bow! It was awesome! He wrote something about a 'red neck holiday' on it. I'm gonna have to do that next year to someone's gift. :D Lisa would love it!
After the gift exchange, we were all just sat around, not sure what to do. The party was suppposed to be over by 10:00, and it was 9:30. Me, josh (he went too btw!!) Camela, Rebecca, Scott, Quinton, and Laban were all sitting together. At first we were just talking about dumb stuff, and being crazy. Scott and Quinton were showing us some pics of their older sister and brother (we've never met them) and they had some pictures of themselves when they were kids. It was hilarious! We were all laughing at them and "making fun" of them. They took it well though. ;P Then one thing led to another, and before we knew it, we were having this big debate on theology!! LoL! Josh loves to argue, and so does Scott. And it happend that Josh was beliving something different than all the rest of us. So we were like all ganging up on him, trying to convince him to our point of view! It was so fun, and he loved it too of course! It was so fun! Ya know, most peeps wouldn't think so, but I LOVE to debate! I guess I get it from josh, or wherever he got it from. But he and I used to go at it all the time, over anything we could think of. It's so fun to use logic and your head to try and convince people of something. It's really cool when you've got a whole group of people going, who know what they believe, and know how to argue! We weren't mad at each other or anything last night, but we did get going pretty good! It's awesome to be able to talk about the Bible with other people my age. Then you're not really using logic, just the Bible, and your head too of course.
I would have wrote last night, but alas, I had to go to bed. To tired to write. But anyway, now you know it all. :D

Posted by paprika330 at 12:39 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:18 PM EST
Saturday, 20 December 2003
I'm bored...so I'm gonna talk to you
Yeah, it's rather quiet around here. Mom had to go to work, josh went to the library, and dad is watching sports. Soooo, I don't know what else to do.
We stayed up 'til 1:30 last night watching 'White Christmas'! I love that movie! We always start our marathon of all-time favorite Christmas movies right about now. Let's see, what are some of the other ones we watch. 'Christmas Carol', 'Little Women', 'Jesus of Nazareth', 'Miracle on 34th Street, and of course 'It's a Wonderful Life' My ALL time favorite Christams movie. That's the one we always save for Christams Eve! :D
Tomarrow evening our church (funny, I've started calling it that) is having it's candle light service. I'm playing 'O Holy Night' again on the flute. I had forgotten about it until just now, and now I'm really nervous! Yikes! My stomach just went flop. I know it'll be fine though, everyone said we sounded awesome.
Anyway, after the service the youth/college kids our having a Christmas party!! I'm really excited about going! It's gonna be fun!
Oh yeah, and speaking of holiday get togethers...Camela told me the other day that their family is wanting to have us and the Whitakers over New Years Eve. It's not definate yet, but I hope they do, and I hope we can go.
Well, now that I've finished ROTK, I need to find something new to read. I haven't come up with anything yet. I'm in the mood for a mystery, I think. Actually, I'm in the mood to WRITE! But I dunno what. I have all these great book ideas, but I'm not good at sticking with them, and finishing them. Maybe I should just start writing anyway.
I need to sew too. I started working on some quilt squares last week, and need to do some more. There are 12 in all, each a different flower, one for each month. But I don't know if I'm in the mood for that.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:32 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:20 PM EST

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