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My Scribbling
Thursday, 12 February 2004
My apologies!
I can't believe I haven't posted on here since Jan.26th!!!! Has it really been that long? I'm awfully sorry...for anyone out there who has even been checking to see if I posted anything new!
In one sense...the last couple of weeks have flown by, but at the same time, that seems like AGES ago! I guess a lot has been happening since then!
Right now I'm waiting around online for an email...which I kinda thought would be here by now! I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to get one today or not. :( But anyway, I thought I might as well do something other than twiddling my thumbs staring at my empty Inbox...and I needed to post on here...so there you are!
I've been working a LOT at the greenhouse lately!!! Things are really starting to pick up with preperations for business! (which btw, they open April 1st!) Oh, and I got paid yesterday too!!!!! Susan had been saving up my days until I got enough to actually write a check for. Since I'm working so sporatically right now, it doesn't make good sense to pay me after each day. But ANYWAY...I finally got a grand total of 7 days worth of work clocked in...and a check for (drum role please!) $307.50!!! I couldn't believe it! I wasn't sure how many hours I had clocked in, but I thought it would only be enough to barely scratch $200! God is so good! At this rate...I can make, well I dunno how much exactly, but it'll be a LOT by the time fall comes back around! Well, I'm sure that's quite enough money talk for now!
I'm getting ready to go to my grandparents for a week or so! Actually, I'm really not that excited about it. In a way I am, but at the same time, I don't really want to be away from home right now. And, I'll be there all by my lonesome! I've never stayed with them by myself before. I'm not scared to or anything, but I just hope it's not awkward or anything like that.
All the snow is melted. :( I was hoping it would stick around a little longer for crying out loud! But I've decided that, now that it's gone, and seeing that is halfway into Febuary and all...I'm quite ready for spring! :D I think I've had my fill of winter for now. But it's over a MONTH until spring is officially here! *sighs* 'Tis a pity. But after spring gets here, then it will only be about a month until my birthday! Hurrah!
Hmmm, what else can I say? That email still isn't here yet... and I really need to get off soon. :( I'm working all day tomarrow, and I have a ton of stuff to get done tonight. Namely cleaning my room! Yikes! I've been working practically everyday this week, and things are definatly starting to look it. Soooo, I guess that just about wraps it up for now. Until next time... 'ta ta!'

Posted by paprika330 at 6:07 PM EST

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