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My Scribbling
Monday, 26 January 2004
Hallelujah! It finally snowed! En Masse too! (I think that's how you say it) But anyway, it is sooo pretty out! It started coming down yesterday afternoon, right after we got home from church. They had to cancel evening services, which was disapointing, but it was so awesome out! We have about 1/2 a foot of snow in our backyard! I can't wait to go out and play! Sledding...or something! It's an answer to prayer, right Jasper?? :P
Josh came home for the weekend, so we had to take him back this morning to Cedarville. Mom decided we would hang around and go to chapel and have lunch with Josh, after he got out of his 9:00 class. Sooo, while he was in class, we just hung out...pretty boring. Then, when we were waiting for Josh to show up, guess who we saw? Scott! We hadn't expected to see him, but I was hoping we would. Today is his birthday, and I had brought a card (that I meant to give him yesterday...but forgot!) just in case. So anyhoo, he sat with us in chapel, and then we had lunch together. It was fun, but with josh and mom talking the whole time, there wasn't much of a chance for us to say a whole lot.
I had violin lessons this afternoon! I played really good! Which was suprising, because last week I did really bad, and didn't have much of a chnace to practice THIS week, and the girl who has a lesson after me came early and was sitting there watching me the whole time. Needless to say...it made my pretty nervous!! But I still did good. :D I'm about done with my two main books, and ready to move on to the next ones!

Posted by paprika330 at 4:44 PM EST

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