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My Scribbling
Thursday, 22 January 2004
Wow!! It sure is cold out these days! It's no fun at all though, 'cause there STILL isn't any snow!:( But anyway, I think the temp outside is 8 degrees!
Let's see, what have I been up to since I wrote last?? Not much of anything exciting.
I went to Goodwill for the first time in over two months! I was about to have withdraw symptoms! LoL! Okay, not really... But I did find some cute stuff. A couple sweaters, and an awesome skirt! It's red, black, and white plaid, and knee length. It's kinda big, but it was half off, so with that in mind, I decided it was still small enough to fit! :D
I've been babysitting...and that's going good. It's fun, AND I get money for it! Can't argue with that! I do have some interesting experiences with the kids sometimes though. LoL! Like last week, all the kids had been in there for about 20 minutes, everything was going peachy. I was sitting down with one of the boys on my lap reading to him, while all the other boys (except one) were playing. Well, this one boy was sitting by himself at the table. So I was like 'you wanna come sit over here too?' He just stared at me. So I tryed 'How about coloring?' Nothing... So I was like, okay, I guess not! I went back to reading, and the next thing I knew, the other boy had bolted out the door, into the hallway, and was truckin' full speed for the stairs and his mom! Well, the other girl that was helping out in our room ran after him, and he started screaming bloody murder! He wouldn't even let her touch him hardly! It was weird. I guess he had some major issues with coloring or something! LOL! Who knows! But he cried for about 10 minutes straight, until his mom apparently head him (no wonder!) and came down to get him. Wow! Kids can be funny sometimes, that's for sure!
What else? Oh, I got two more quilt blocks done! Only six more to go! Whoopee!! I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! I can't wait to put them all together!

Posted by paprika330 at 10:56 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 22 January 2004 10:58 PM EST

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