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My Scribbling
Thursday, 15 January 2004
Let's see....
Wow!! I haven't posted on here in quite awhile!!! Jasper's probably catching up with me! :p But things have been busy. Have you ever been really busy, but later you aren't exactly sure what with? I guess it's just living life.
What all have I been up to? Working, reading, helping with stuff around the house, hmmmm...I worked on my website some more! Other than that, I really dunno.
Oh! I know something exciting that happend recently! Okay, there's this girl that I met at camp this summer. Her name is Kristen (I mentioned her on my website list of favorites btw)and she lives in New Hampshire. Well, at camp I only met her and started talking to her on about the last week I was there. But she was really close with one of my roomates. Anyway, we swaped email addies, and since I've been back we've have talked a lot, and gotten to know each other really well. She is a cool girl, really loves God, and has been a big encouragement to me! She had been doing some pretty serious thinking about going to PCC next fall too. Well, of course I've been hoping that she would end up coming too. But about a month ago, she told me that she had sent off for some info about a Baptist college in Iowa, and had pretty much decided she was going there! So I kinda just gave up on the thought that she would be coming to PCC, and was really dissapointed I really loved the idea of her being there too, but I figured it just wasn't God's will.
Well, I got an email from her last week, and she told me that she had heard back from the other college, and due to some financial issues going on in their life, she didn't think she would be able to go there after-all. BUT she said she had now turned her sights back to PCC, had gone ahead and applied even, and come to the conclusion that that's where God would have her go!!! Then she asked if I would consider being roomates with her if she gets accepted! When I read that I just started laughing! I was like 'WOULD i?!?!?' lol!!! I've only been praying for the last few months that if it would be God's will, she would come there too, and room with me! Isn't God so awesome!!! He's been so good to me with the whole college situation.
I know He wants me to go there, but at the same time I was dreading leaving home, and going so far away, all by myself, and not knowing anyone down there. And of course I'm still going to miss my family and all my friends something crazy! But if Kristen does end up coming, then that will help a lot. Not only with my being homesick, but my parents will prolly feel a lot better if I room with at least one girl that I already know.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:03 PM EST

Friday, 16 January 2004 - 12:55 PM EST

Name: Jasper

STOP TALKING ABOUT COLLEGE! Everytime I see or read anything about PCC it makes me want to cry now! I can't stand thinking about you leaving! :'( I almost cried the other day when you were talking about leaving in September. Why can't we make you go back to being 16 but knowing me and Lisa and Bethany, but we're all the same age we are now. It would be so much better. Then you wouldn't have to leave for like, 4 more years and we could just go on having our fun times. But alas, we can't, and your leaving this fall. That's not very long and we'll be seperated for a year or so at a time. That's a long time...with no more talking on the phone for hours on end about nothing, no more teasing about little inside jokes (which will probably get old and stupid by the time you come back from college all grown up and mature), no sleepovers with digital cameras or video cameras with us doing the stupidest things you ever did see, no more Guesstures or Taboo, no more of any of that! What am I gonna do??? I gotta go, I'm gonna cry. Call me k?

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