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My Scribbling
Wednesday, 7 January 2004
How annoying!
Okay, I typed up this really long blog last night about all this stuff I had been doing yesterday, and everything I got done...but I didn't finishe writing until after midnight, and when I went to post it, it wouldn't work! Mom told me later that the internet is set to go off at midnight. So i everything I had written! :( Tis a pity! I basically just said that I had worked on my scrapbook some more, got three pages done. One of Lily, and two of Carrige Hill. I really liked the way those turned out! And I also made another square for the quilt I'm working on!
Well! Now to catch up on today. :D Susan Denlinger from the greenhouse called me this morning! She wants me to work thursday, friday, and saturday...and possibly monday! I was really excited about getting the oppertnity to work. I didn't think that she was going to call me anymore until like febuary or march, when the greenhouse officially opens. I'm really thankful that God is making a way for me to earn money for college, and car expenses (whenever that time comes).
Anyway, we went to church this evening. They have devotions and prayer meeting on wednesday nights. It was good! It's been great being able to be really go to church again, and start feeling like we have a church home.

Posted by paprika330 at 9:26 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 January 2004 3:04 PM EST

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