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My Scribbling
Sunday, 4 January 2004
It's winter again!!!
It's finally starting to feel like winter again outside!!! Getting there anyway. It's been raining really hard for the last couple of days...but the temps are really dropping, and all the rain is supposed to turn to snow! I hope it does!!!! I'm dying to go do snow stuff! :D
So what else is up? Nothing much. We went to church this morning, and are going back this evening. Actually, Scott is going to be preaching! So that's pretty cool! the pastor asked him to. And guess what? Dad is going to be preaching next sunday morning! the pastor is going to be out of town, and asked my dad if he would do that. My dad wasn't sure if he wanted to, 'cause he hasn't preached in over two years, and also he didn't want it to seem like he was another preacher trying to take over sorta thing. But after praying about it, he felt like God would have him to.
What else? Oh...guess what?!?! I dunno if I told you this or not before, but Camela's family has horses!!! Cool huh? Weeeell, even more cool, she wants me to come over and go riding with her sometime! ACK! Oh cool is that? I haven't riden a horse for about 5 or 6 years!!! But I LOVE too!!! It's gonna be so fun!
Anyhoo, that's about all for now. I gotta get off here perty soon. Get ready for church, that sort of thing. Oh yeah, one more thing though. I worked on my website last night! a LOT!!! Added a lot of cool pics and stuff, and rewrote my LOTR page. Most of the stuff I had said on there has changed now that I've seen the movie and finished to book. But anyway, it's pretty cool!

Posted by paprika330 at 3:12 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:12 PM EST

Sunday, 4 January 2004 - 9:54 PM EST

Name: Jasper
Home Page: http://horseybaby06.tripod.com/jasperspage

hey girl!
YOUR GOING TO GO RIDING! omg i thought i was gonna keel over dead when i read that! you are soooo lucky!
hey, i wanted to tell you though that your resolution is awesome. i wish i was that Godly of a girl. i try to be but it either comes off wrong or i just feel stupid. and i know i shouldn't be that way, i mean whats wrong with expressing my faith? but, yeah. i'm just a retard.
omg...i died laughing when i read what you wrote about friday. did i really scream that long? how embarrassing! it was all just a blur of running, camra lights, clapping, and horns! i felt like the poperatzi (lol! sp?) were following me and wouldn't leave me alone!
but anyhoo...i gotta get off now. luv yas lots hun!

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