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My Scribbling
Saturday, 3 January 2004
Good times!
Okay, I haven't been able to write anything about before now, because it was a suprise. But Lisa, Beth, and I had been planning to have a suprise b-day party for Jasper for yesterday evening!!!! Next thursday is her 16th birthday, and we wanted to do something special for her. So, we just told her that we were gonna have a sleepover at the Wagars house. Well...what she DIDN'T know was that we had bought gifts for, decorated the whole basement, and were planning to try our best to scare the living daylights out of her!
So anyway...there lisa, beth, and I were in the basement, all set with camera, clappers, and horns! We were about to die from laughing, we were so excited, and the suspence was awful! FINALLY the Wolfs got there! And Mrs. Olive was like, go on down, the girls are in the basement. We were silent as the grave...waiting. As soon as Jasper got to the bottom of the steps we all jumped out shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Clapping our clappers, honking our horns, and snapping the camera! It was hialrious! I'm not exagerating ya'll but Jasper must have screamed for a minute solid! Without stopping for breath! When she finally stopped she was shaking all over. It was so funny!
(By the way...whenever you read this Jasper, I Luv Ya Girl!!!!!!!)
The rest of the time was a blast too! We watched movies, pigged out, played games, talked. Just were our generally crazy, but terribly fun selves! I didn't end up going to sleep until prolly 3:30. But we didn't wake up until almost 11:00 this morning!! All except for Lisa anyway... she had got up way earlier and had a big breakfast waiting for us! She's so sweet! It was lots a fun!

Posted by paprika330 at 6:51 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 January 2004 3:05 PM EST

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