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My Scribbling
Thursday, 1 January 2004
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WoW!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe that it is 2004! It doesn't seem like four years since the big millenium hoop-la. :D So much has happend over the past year...I can only begin to imagine what God has in store for me in 2004. It's so exciting, but scary at the same time. As my kindred spirit Anne Shirley would say, 'I'm deliciously scared!' ;p
So anyway, how about New Year's resolutions???? I usually don't go in for that. I mean, I figure
why bother? I'm prolly gonna break them by spring anyway! But I got to thinking about it today...and I decided that it was high time I did make some resolutions, with myself... and God. Not that New Years is the only time to go about doing this sort of thing, but there's nothing like a clean slate and a fresh start.
I want to live this next year totally and completly for God! I know I'm probably going to mess up big time, but I figure that if I make a vow to God, then He's gonna hold me to it, and help me keep it. I want to spend more time getting to know Him, instead of focusing on myself so much. I know I really need to spend more time reading the Bible and praying. It's so easy to get out of the habit. Sometimes, well a LOT of the time, I just don't "feel" like spending time with God. I tell myself that I can always come back and do that later. But I generally never do. And it's so dumb, because I'M the one who loses out and suffers for it! I waste so much time worrying about ME! And to be honest...it's a pretty unimportant topic! I'm the most happy, and feel the most, complete I guess you could say, when I'm walking with God.
I don't know what all the next 365 days are gonna hold. I know some of the obvious things like I'll be turning 18...going to college. But in those things, and in everything else, I'm going to need a lot of help. And I'm tired of trying to do everything on my own, or make things work out according to MY plans. This may be the last year I have with no other obligations other than pretty much just being a kid! This will prolly be the last "free time" I have in my life, until I'm old and gray. :D After this, I'm gonna be so busy with all that life starts throwing at me, that it's going to be even HARDER to focus on God. I want to spend this year for Him!

Posted by paprika330 at 10:59 PM EST

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