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My Scribbling
Monday, 22 December 2003
Last Night
The candle light service went well, I guess. I mean, I played fine, was super nervous though. I'm not sure how good our song in general sounded.
The party was a blast! At first it started out kinda slow and awkward. I mean, it was hard to interact with all the younger kids around. The ages went from 25 down to 11. (that was the people who were actually there for the party. Then there were some younger kids who were just there, tagging along.) But anyway, we played ping-pong, ate, then tryed to start a game of Taboo...but it took a while to get going. There were so many people wanting to play, and it was soooo loud, we couldn't here each other. We did end up starting it, but only got half way around, then we had to stop for the gift exchange! :D
The gift exchange was a LOT of fun! We played White Elephant, or Dirty Santa, whichever you wanna call it. It was hilarious. People kept stealing everyone's gift! I got to keep mine though! It was one of the nicest too. A c.d case filled with chocolates! (which was of COURSE the best part!) Actually, that was what Camela had brought, and she ended up getting what I brought, a jewelry box. (I'm suprised I found it! The price limit was 3 bucks, and the box was exactly that amount, on sale! It was cool.) Then after we were done, the guys went. Most of the stuff was dumb. But some of them had had some cool ideas. Like someone had brought giant tennis balls, and Scott wrapped his entire gift in duct tape, complete with a duct tape bow! It was awesome! He wrote something about a 'red neck holiday' on it. I'm gonna have to do that next year to someone's gift. :D Lisa would love it!
After the gift exchange, we were all just sat around, not sure what to do. The party was suppposed to be over by 10:00, and it was 9:30. Me, josh (he went too btw!!) Camela, Rebecca, Scott, Quinton, and Laban were all sitting together. At first we were just talking about dumb stuff, and being crazy. Scott and Quinton were showing us some pics of their older sister and brother (we've never met them) and they had some pictures of themselves when they were kids. It was hilarious! We were all laughing at them and "making fun" of them. They took it well though. ;P Then one thing led to another, and before we knew it, we were having this big debate on theology!! LoL! Josh loves to argue, and so does Scott. And it happend that Josh was beliving something different than all the rest of us. So we were like all ganging up on him, trying to convince him to our point of view! It was so fun, and he loved it too of course! It was so fun! Ya know, most peeps wouldn't think so, but I LOVE to debate! I guess I get it from josh, or wherever he got it from. But he and I used to go at it all the time, over anything we could think of. It's so fun to use logic and your head to try and convince people of something. It's really cool when you've got a whole group of people going, who know what they believe, and know how to argue! We weren't mad at each other or anything last night, but we did get going pretty good! It's awesome to be able to talk about the Bible with other people my age. Then you're not really using logic, just the Bible, and your head too of course.
I would have wrote last night, but alas, I had to go to bed. To tired to write. But anyway, now you know it all. :D

Posted by paprika330 at 12:39 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:18 PM EST

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