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My Scribbling
Saturday, 20 December 2003
I'm bored...so I'm gonna talk to you
Yeah, it's rather quiet around here. Mom had to go to work, josh went to the library, and dad is watching sports. Soooo, I don't know what else to do.
We stayed up 'til 1:30 last night watching 'White Christmas'! I love that movie! We always start our marathon of all-time favorite Christmas movies right about now. Let's see, what are some of the other ones we watch. 'Christmas Carol', 'Little Women', 'Jesus of Nazareth', 'Miracle on 34th Street, and of course 'It's a Wonderful Life' My ALL time favorite Christams movie. That's the one we always save for Christams Eve! :D
Tomarrow evening our church (funny, I've started calling it that) is having it's candle light service. I'm playing 'O Holy Night' again on the flute. I had forgotten about it until just now, and now I'm really nervous! Yikes! My stomach just went flop. I know it'll be fine though, everyone said we sounded awesome.
Anyway, after the service the youth/college kids our having a Christmas party!! I'm really excited about going! It's gonna be fun!
Oh yeah, and speaking of holiday get togethers...Camela told me the other day that their family is wanting to have us and the Whitakers over New Years Eve. It's not definate yet, but I hope they do, and I hope we can go.
Well, now that I've finished ROTK, I need to find something new to read. I haven't come up with anything yet. I'm in the mood for a mystery, I think. Actually, I'm in the mood to WRITE! But I dunno what. I have all these great book ideas, but I'm not good at sticking with them, and finishing them. Maybe I should just start writing anyway.
I need to sew too. I started working on some quilt squares last week, and need to do some more. There are 12 in all, each a different flower, one for each month. But I don't know if I'm in the mood for that.

Posted by paprika330 at 3:32 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:20 PM EST

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