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My Scribbling
Friday, 19 December 2003
I FINISHED READING...THEN SAW RETURN OF THE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WoW! It was so awesome! I stayed up until 1:30 last night reading. I had to find out what happend to my dear little Pip! When I got to the part where you find out that he didn't die I was SO wanting to jump up and run around the house cheering, but nearly died restraining myself, seeing that everyone else was asleep, and I didn't think my mum and dad would be sympathetic to my joy. None-the-less, I was so happy! I love the little fella! Anyway, then I got up at 8:30 this morning to read the last few chapters. I DID run around hollaring then!!!!! It was sooooo good. Reading the book first definatly made me appreciate it more.
Last night josh and I watched FOTR, then this morning we watched TT. I was so pumped by 2:30 when we left to go see ROTK!
Okay, my thoughts on the movie. Yes...it was amazing! But reading the book definatly made me a critic! First off they left Beregond out completly! He was cool! And what's more, because of that, they left out a lot with Pippen, and Gondor. I did think Gondor was awesome! They did it very well, and the major battle was really good. I thought they dragged the second battle and the part where Sam and Frodo destroy the Ring. I mean, that was the climax, things were supposed to be racing, and it was like "okay, let's pick up the pace! People are dying out there!" They completly left out the romance part with Faramir and Eowin! And The Scouring of the Shire. That part was sad, but it was a BIG part. Without it, it leaves people who haven't read the book wondering what in the world happend to those creeps Saruman and Wormtongue? I mean, if I hadn't read the book...I wouldn't be sleepin' easy! Okay, maybe not that bad...but you get the drift. I like Shelob, she was great! I didn't like the part leading up to her though. Sam should have gone into her cave WITH Frodo. And the whole web/mummy thing was a little wierd too. Oh yeah, and one other thing and then I'll be done slamming it. Who in the WORLD was that moldy potato looking ork at the battle of Gondor?!?! He wasn't in the book! He was so dumb!
But enough of that! That's what comes of reading the book first. 'They'll be no living with me after this!' :P I really did like it though! And I plan on seeing it several times. But I think the extended edition will be MUCH better. It will take of most of the problems I have with it. Well, all except Mr. Potato Head!

PS~~~Wasn't Pippen AWESOME when he sang?!?!?!?!? I love him!

Posted by paprika330 at 9:16 PM EST

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