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My Scribbling
Tuesday, 16 December 2003
Catching Up....
I haven't posted in ages!!!! It's been kinda busy and crazy around here lately, but in a good sorta way. It's all part of the holiday season! I love it!!! It snowed for the first REAL time this year! Almost two inches, I loved it! It started snowing saturday night, which was really cool 'cause we had friends from church over!
Speaking of which...it was the Whitakers and the Milyards (you've heard me talk about Camela? Well, this is her family. She has three older brothers too.) We had been wanting to have the Whitakers over again, especially since Josh is home. They have all been really wanting to meet him, and he did to kind. Actually, he wasn't very enthusiastic at first about the idea. But it turned out that he hit it off really well with Scott (which is cool, since they both go to Cedarville) and liked Quenton and Brent too. Which btw, I finally got to met Brent! Anyway, it was so much fun with all the peeps that were here. At first it was kinda weird, 'cause it was just me and Camela with EIGHT guys! But it was still fun. We played Pictionary, Taboo, Dutch Blitz, and Clue. And we talked and just hung out. Fun stuff!
All the guys are really nice. They talk to me like they are really interested in talking to me. And they are fun to joke around and have fun with.

Posted by paprika330 at 9:07 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2004 11:02 PM EST

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