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My Scribbling
Monday, 8 December 2003
Nothing Much
Let's see, what can I catch ya'll up on? I haven't written for a few days, have I? Well, for starters, I'm sick. *sniffle* I know! It's terrible! I think I caught it when I was working at Susan Denlingers (the lady who owns the greenhouse)because she was feeling bad that day. And, ya know how I was supposed to work wednesday and thursday too? Well she called and cancelled 'cause she was sick. So anyway, I'm not feeling my best right now, but that's okay. I just hope I'm better by next sunday for the play. We had practice last night, and I didn't do to hot. Have you ever tried playing a flute with a head full of snot, a dry throat, and a cough? Well, if you haven't, then I don't think you can sympathise! It's not a fun thing! But it is very interesting, I'll give it that.
I did work at Susan's on saturday though. From 9-4, talk about a long day. I worked with her and Camela. (I dunno if I've told you about her or not, but she is Rebecca's cousin, goes to the same church we do, at works at Susan's *duh* She's really nice, and a lot of fun. I've known her for about the same amount of time that I've known Becca, but I've only started to really get to know her in that past few weeks.)We cleaned the entire day, and I mean CLEANED!!! We had to do the boy's bedroom, girl's bedroom,the hallway, and the bathroom. We started by picking up all the stuff from the floor, which was a major job in and of itself! There was stuff everywhere! Then we moved all the furniture around, cleaned behind it, wiped them down, washed the walls, vaccumed, sorted thru stuff, throwing things away, finding places for it. It was a huge job, and if I had been by myself, I would not have been having fun, but Susan is a lot of fun to work for and with, and Camela and I were cutting up too. So it made the work easier and go quicker. I'm going back week after next, and we are going to clean the rest of the house, and I think put up new wallpaper in the hallway.
Let's see, I went to bookclub last friday. That was sooo much fun! It was the last one of the year, and we had just finished Christmad Carol too, so we watched The Muppet Christmas Carol (my favorite version btw!) and gave each other our Christmas gifts! It was a lot of fun. Beth made some awesome stuff out of clay for me! I'm telling ya, she is good with that stuff! She made Arwen's pendant, Aragorn's pipe (tee hee! I reeeaally liked that one!) and a picture frame with Josh Groban in it! We pigged out too, as always, on my pumpkin roll (Oh yeah, I made one for the first time! And it was a big hit too. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.) cheese nips, apples, all that good stuff.
Also, the Christmas banquet at church was this friday. It wasn't what I wanted to go to that evening, but I still had fun. I made a pumpkin roll for that too. :D I'm going pumpkin roll crazy!!!

Posted by paprika330 at 2:48 PM EST

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