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My Scribbling
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Loooooong day
I am so pooped! I've been up since 7:00 this morning, and working since 8:30-5:00.
I went over to a friends house last night, well actually it was Rebecca (Mast). Me, her, and her younger sister (susannah) are all going to play a O Holy Night for the Christmas play going on at our church (well, it's not really ours, we've just been visiting there). And anyway, they had been having a lot of trouble with counting and stuff, and I hadn't even had a chance to play with them ,so we really needed to practice, because the play is about two weeks away! Becca's playing the piano, Susannah is playing the violin (which I was gonna play too, but decided not to) amd I'm playing the flute. And to add to the hardness (that's not really a word, is it?) of it, Quenton (told ya about him to) is supposed to be singing with us!
So anyway, to make a long story short, we needed to practice, had been wanting to have a sleepover (I've known her for over 3 years, and we've never done that!) and we both had to work at the greenhouse today. So it all worked out just dandy! I had a really good time at their house, especially after everyone had went to bed. She and I stayed up talking until 2:00 a.m!!! Which was fun at the time, but it was awful having to get up this morning!
Working at the greenhouse was fun though. The lady, her name is Susan btw, who owns/runs it is German Baprist, and really nice. The work is fun too, this was only the second time I've worked there, but I'm already learning a lot about flowers, and taking care of them, running a greenhouse, that sorta stuff. It's really cool. I had no idee that so much went into it! I worked with Susan, Becca, and another girl who happens to Becca's cousin, and also goes to the same church we've been going to. Her name is Camela. :D Those two only stayed until 12:30ish. After that it was just me and Susan. We kept working in the greenhouse until about 3:00. then we went inside, and I graded papers (she homeschools two of her kids) for TWO HOURS! My brain was a veritable (don't ya luv that word?!) Jello Jiggler by the time my dad picked me up. But it beats working someplace like Burger King.
I'm going back to work there all day tomarrow and Thursday, and both of those days we are going to be cleaning. *groans*
Maybe I should explain...Susan is in a wheelchair. She isn't exactly paralysed, but her legs are kinda small and don't work like normal legs. I think she's had some kind of disease, but I'm not exactly sure what. But anyway, with that, trying to run the greenhouse, take care of 4 very energetic kids (not to mention homeschool them) she needs extra help around the house sometimes, in addition to running the greenhouse. So anyway...
I don't mind thought, seriously. Even though the work can be hard sometimes, I'm glad to get to do it. Right now it's supposed to be her off season, and she only calls people to help on an as-need basis. And she pays pretty well too. Like today, I think I prolly made around 45 dollars. I dunno for sure, cause she isn't going to pay me until thursday, i think. But when I worked before, I was only there for four hours, and she payed me 21.00. So, that's not to bad!
But i was so tired when I got home, I took a long veerry hot bath. And *tee hee* I started Christmas Carol!! It's about time, seeing I have to have it read by Friday...

Posted by paprika330 at 9:08 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:03 AM EST

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