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My Scribbling
Wednesday, 26 November 2003
Dum de Dum....
Mom and I spent the day again today cleaning, but we finaaally got it all done! Even my room is clean. YaY!
This afternoon we picked Josh up from Cedarville, I hadn't seen him in about two weeks. I'm glad he's home, I miss him not being here all the time. I mean, we are still close and everything, but it's not the same. It's hard to "bond" (for lack of a better word) when he's only home for the weekend. Because I've got things going on, or he has things that he wants or needs to do while he's home, or we want to spend time doing stuff together, but usually it's just hanging out having fun watching a movie or something like that. There really isn't any time to talk like we used to. We can't do it over the phone, I guess we're too close for that (I know, that sounds weird! But when you're as close as we are, talking on the phone just doesn't work to well) And there isn't a chance to really talk, 'cause you can't force these things to happen. But anyway, he's home until Tuesday morning when we have to take him back. then after two more weeks at school, he'll be home for almost a month! So that's cool.
Anyway, what else did I do today? Oh, I called Jasper. Well, actually she called me first and left a message, then I called her back, but let's not get technical about it! She wanted to know if I had gone to the game last night, which I ended up not going to.
Anyhoo, we talked for about an hour! It was fun. It's weird though, we always get on the bizzarest conversation topics! And we never have any clue how we got there! It's really quite funny. But I won't go into all that, don't want you to think I'm anymore crazy than I'm sure you already do!

Posted by paprika330 at 5:18 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:13 AM EST

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