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My Scribbling
Monday, 24 November 2003
Let it Snow!!!!
Yay!!! We had the first snow of the year today! Okay, maybe I'm being a little too over eager, after-all, it was just flurries. *grins* But hey, they were steady flurries! I love it when it snows, and now is just the perfect time for it to start. I like it to get cold around Thanksgiving, and start snowing soon after. I'll admit, i was starting to get a little worried when we kept having nothing but warm weather for the past weeks! It's hard to get in the holiday mood when it is close to 70 degrees outside! Christmas is supposed to cold and snowy, it makes having to stay inside all the more fun. And i dunno, there's somehting romantic about it. *sighs* Ya know, I'm beginning to find that deep down, I'm a hopeless Romantic at heart. Most peeps prolly wouldn't think so, but it's true! I can't help it.
But anyway...that's not what I got on to talk about. :P I've been spending the whole day helping my mum clean the house. *groans* Not fun at all! But oh well. I think (or hope anyway!) that we are almost done for the day. But we still have a bunch more to do tomarrow. Hopefully though, I'll be able to go to the Saints basketball game in the evening though! (Btw, in case you're wondering, the Saints are a homeschool team that my bro played on last year, and I know pretty much all the guys on the team. So anyway, that's why I talk about them fairly often. So, yeah...)
LoL! I just noticed that this entry and the one before it show up as on the same day! I didn't even realize that I wrote my last entry so late last night that i counted as one for today! Kinda funny, at least I thought so. But just so you know, that was Sunday (sorta) and this is today (monday) :D

Posted by paprika330 at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 3:50 PM EST

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