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My Scribbling
Monday, 24 November 2003
Blah blah blah....
Let's see, what did I do today? Well, we went to church...the same one we have been visiting for about a month now. (we are develpoing quite an on going record here!) Actually, we visited there once before, a couple of years ago, but at the time didn't go very long, only a couple of Sundays. However, we did "hook" up with a family who goes there (called the Masts)and have stayed in touch, and done things with them ever since. Well, three or four sundays ago dad suggested that we go back there again to visit. But before that, let me say that for quite awhile now the Masts have been telling us about one Whitaker family that has apparently been attending there church since early this summer. Most of the talking comes from Rebecca (their oldest daughter, who also happens to my age) who apparently thinks quite highly of them. She had told me a lot about them, including that they have a son who is 18, named Quentin.
Now when I first heard this I thought "hmm, I used to know a Quentin in 5th grade", (for those of you who don't know, I went to a private school for a little while when I was in 5th grade) but then I completely forgot about it. Anyway, to make a long story short, when we visited there about a month ago, I saw Quentin, recognised him as the same Quentin, completely shocked him, myself, and subsequently everyone else who happened to be standing there when we were introduced by blurting out "I KNOW you!". And in the time that we have been visiting the church (Covenant Baptist is the name, just f.y.i) we have had the Whitakers over to our house, and have gotten to know them a little.
Like I said before, they have 5 boys and also 1 daughter. But anyway, the oldest boy is married, and is going to Cedarville (haven't met him) the next oldest is Brent (21)and is going to Word of Life in NY (haven't met him yet either) then there is Scott (19) who is also going to Cedarville, but living at home, and is preparing to be a minister. Then of course there is Quentin (18), and finally Doug (14). Doug is hilarious, a lot of fun to be around. Quentin, when I knew him in 5th grade was really shy and quiet. He is still quiet, but not really shy anymore. Scott is really nice, and I respect him. You don't have to hang around him very long to find out that he not only loves God very much, but is very passionate about Him. It's so cool to be around a guy, who's pretty close to my own age, that's like that. He's so caught up in the things of God.
So anyway, back to church. The others that go there are nice, the pastor really seems to have a heart for God. His preaching style is different than my dad's, which is hard to get used to. But I guess you can't have everything, and if it was up to me, I would keep going there. And who knows, we may!
Well, this afternoon I went with the Masts, Whitakers, and another familiy to a nursing home to help with a worship service for some of the residents. It was a lot of fun! Normally, I get weird at places like that. I'm not scared of old people or anything, but i dunno, i just never know what to say! It was different this time though. they seemed really glad to see us, and to have an oppertunity to "go" to church.
After that, we all went back to the church, because the youth and younger kids are putting on a Christmas play, and they had practice this evening before church. And guess what? I'm going to be in the play too! Imagine that! (some of you might know that my first encounter this summer with theatrics was rather interesting! For those of you who don't know, you can ask about it when you leave a comment! (*hint hint*) I, along with Rebecca, and one other girl, are going to be narraters. Which in one aspect is cool, because we don't actually have to memorize any lines! *sigh of relief* But on the down side, we don't get to wear costumes either, which would have been fun. Anyhoo, I'm also gonna do a duet on the piano w/ Rebecca, and play the violin with Susannah (the next to oldest Mast daughter, who happens to take violin lessons from the same lady i do!)along with Rebecca on the piano, and Quentin singing. It should be interesting. :-D
Anyhoo, we were all at the church for about an hour before everyone showed up for play practice. It was fun hanging out with them.
Well, now that I've practically given you a State of the Union Adress, and prolly numbed you all into bordom, or insanity by my babbling, I need to get off now! So toodles!

Posted by paprika330 at 12:25 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 1:47 PM EST

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