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My Scribbling
Friday, 21 November 2003
Here's the blogs I had posted on my other temporary blog...

Hey Ya'll! (sorry Lisa, I couldn't think of another word)
I'm soooo excited 'cause I just figured out how to use this blog thingie! I'm such a genius! (coughs) Okay, it was rather a stroke of luck. I just happened to see a link to this blog and was like 'where the heck did THAT come from?!' So I clicked on it, and here I am! I didn't even know this was an option. Actually, I had already attempted to start my own blog, rather unsuccessfully too, but we won't go into that right now.
Um, I dunno how often I'll actually be writing on here. I'd like to think that I will blees everyone with my pearls of wisdom every day or so. :-P But I have a feeling that won't be the case. Anyway, keep checking...ya never know! Luv ya all, and talk to ya later!


What a dreay day! I feel like I'm living in London or something, it's so wet, and rainy, and dark out! *shivers* Nasty! Ya know, that's one thing that I don't like about fall and winter, well mostly fall. It seems like it rains all the time, and I don't like how it gets dark out so early. It's rather depressing! And it makes it even more harder to get out of bed in the morning when it's cold and dark out. Like anyone is going to hear their alarm clock go off at the crack of dawn, peer out there window, see frost on the glass, no sunshine, and just pop right out of bed. Uh, not this girl anyway!
I didn't do to much today either. I did have to get up early, so I could go alllll the way to Troy to babysit a bunch of crying kids, with not enough help. (Maybe that weird lady running things will happen upon my blog and read this, huh Jasper? *winks*) Oh well, it's money anyway.
Let's see, what else did I do? Oh yeah! I made another page for my scrapbook! I already fifnished all my camp pics, so now I started working on pages for Lily. I like the one I got done, except for two things. (1) I don't like the way I put Lily's name on, it looks kinda cheesy. (2) A sticker that I didn't want accindently stuck partially to the page, then when i went to take it off, i kinda took part of the page off with it. (That has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world!) I managed to disguise a little bit of it, but not all. So either I'll have to just deal with it, or go back later and try and fix it up better.

Posted by paprika330 at 4:05 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 12 January 2004 8:11 AM EST

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